2020 architectural trends

2020 architectural trends5 Architectural Trends That Will Dominate 2020 and Beyond

When you take a close look at the world of interior design and architecture, it is possible to pinpoint the specific “look” that dominates a given decade. Since 2020 marks the dawn of a new decade, Headwaters Construction, Inc., the best commercial builder in Northern California, has decided to share the following trends that are likely to gain prominence this year and the entire decade. As you plan to construct or renovate your commercial building, try to incorporate as many of these architectural trends as you can so that your building fits the times.

Old is Gold

You may have noticed that vintage clothing and other second-hand items are back in style. This return to things of old hasn’t left the world of interior design and architecture behind, and retail renovation contractors predict that upcycling old buildings for new uses will gain more prominence not only this year but the entire decade as well.

The recent economic upturn partly drives this surge of interest in repurposing old buildings after several years of recession that saw many buildings degenerate into disuse or their construction ground to a halt after the developer went belly-up.

The economic upturn of recent years has given older structures a new lease of life. For example, a structure that once housed a flour mill can be repurposed to be a new office block. The uses to which these old buildings can be put are nearly endless, according to experts at Headwaters Construction, Inc.

Art Deco is Back

For almost two decades, slick surfaces, such as slick glass facades, held sway. However, this design approach seems to have run its course, and Headwaters Construction, Inc. is seeing more clients requesting bold patterns, multi-layered features, and other elements of art deco. This design shift is partially being driven by the trend discussed earlier (repurposing old buildings) since those slick, flat surfaces tend to look out of place in an old building that is having new life injected in it.

Green Building Design

Energy costs have been rising dramatically over the years, and more people have become conscious about the impact of every human activity on the planet. These two realities have created an immense demand for sustainably built and used structures, and Headwaters Construction, Inc. sees a sweeping trend of green building for not just new commercial construction projects but also renovations.

Green building design is making itself felt not just in renewable energy but also in the inclusion of more natural lighting, water conservation, as well as the use of reclaimed or recycled materials.

If you think that green building is yet to reach near you, are the words “vertical gardens” and “living walls” familiar to you? I guess they are, so you can bet that this decade will take green building design to a whole new level.


For more than a decade, minimalism was the in-thing as commercial builders and homeowners did everything to minimize how much décor, materials, and other features were included in building designs.

Minimalism was justified at a time when economies were struggling, and prices of things went through the roof. However, the plain colors, minimal decoration, and glass facades appear to have fallen out of favor. This has ushered in the decade of “maximalism.” In this trend, commercial builders explain that ostentation is king.

This boldness manifests itself in terms of intricate designs, strong shapes, and other manifestations of ostentation.

The Rebirth of Patterns and Color

At the time when minimalism was the favored trend, muted or neutral colors like cream, gray, and chrome were very common and preferred. In 2020 and beyond, Headwaters Construction, Inc. reveals that magenta, Living Coral, Neo Mint, and other bold colors will push gray, black, silver, cream, and other such minimalist colors to the wayside.

Commercial builders say that one of the reasons why bold colors and patterns are taking center-stage of late is the advent of social media. Businesses want their clients to share content about their establishments, and interior design, as well as architecture, are adapting to make buildings good for Snapchat, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

If you are looking for a commercial construction company that can bring these cutting-edge architectural trends alive through consulting and planning, contact us at Headwaters Construction, Inc. We pride ourselves in our ability to translate a client’s dream into reality.

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