ground up construction and renovation

What's the difference between ground-up construction and renovation?

Ground-up Construction vs. Renovation: 2021

In most cases, when you compare construction and renovation, you are motivated by two main factors. One is that your company has outgrown its current premises, or you would like to have an additional location for your business. In this article, you will learn how ground-up construction differs from commercial renovation and understand the factors you need to consider to choose the most appropriate option for your business needs. 

Ground-up Construction & Renovation Defined 

Ground-up construction refers to the process of putting up a new structure on a lot where no building exists. You are building from scratch. New foundations, new walls, new footings. On the other hand, a renovation refers to the modification of an existing structure. The primary structural elements, such as the foundation, will remain. Still, your local renovation company in Sacramento may tear down an interior wall to change the building’s floor plan.

However, the professionals at Head Waters Construction, Inc. warn you that the definition of what constitutes renovation or new construction may vary from one municipality or city to another. So, it is best to check the local laws and establish which categorization applies to the project you wish to undertake.


– Design Flexibility 

Headwaters building and contracting professionals recommend that you consider the degree of design flexibility that you desire during your project before you opt for either ground-up construction or renovation.

In most cases, ground-up construction offers you nearly unlimited design flexibility. A blank slate or canvas allows you to make the site into anything you want. However, keep in mind that renovation puts some constraints upon your design possibilities since you must work within the existing building’s structural elements. If these constraints will be a concern, then opting for ground-up construction would be the ideal choice.

– Location

Another crucial factor that you need to think about has to do with your business’s ideal location. It may be hard for you to find a vacant lot in a desirable area where you can build the ideal premises for your business. In such a case, finding an existing building and renovating it would be a more feasible option.

– Regulatory Compliance 

Building codes keep evolving, and all new structures or renovated ones have to be compliant with the latest regulations. Herein lies another consideration that Sacramento construction companies advise business owners to think about. For example, deciding to renovate a section of your current building may trigger a regulatory requirement for you to make the entire building ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)-compliant. These regulatory issues can make an otherwise straight-forward renovation process complex and costly. Building premises from the ground up becomes a more attractive proposition since you may predict all the project factors.

– Getting Construction Building Permits

The process of securing building permits for a renovation project is generally less complicated and shorter when compared to navigating the permitting process in a new structure from the ground-up. Some renovation projects may not even require a permit. However, likely, constructing a building from scratch will never have the permit requirements waived.

–  Building

How soon do you want to use the new or renovated building? The duration needed to complete a renovation project is usually a small fraction of the time required to construct a building from scratch. Head Waters Construction, Inc., aconstruction company in Sacramento, recommends that people who are pressed for time opt for renovation. Similarly, those who don’t have much time should build the desired structure from the ground up.

–  Concerns Over Hazardous Materials

You may have hazardous materials to contend with if you would like to renovate an older building. For example, asbestos may be found within the walls as you kick-start a project to add an extension to your business premises. According to Headwaters development experts, dealing with those hazardous materials can inflate renovation budgets and throw project timelines out of whack.

However, even vacant lots can have hazardous materials. For example, a lot located on land that was reclaimed from agricultural land, chemical industry, or even a retired garbage dumping site may have toxic waste. Therefore, it is advisable for you to commission a site or building analysis to identify any potential issues of hazardous materials before you decide whether to renovate that existing building or build on a vacant site.

– Construction Cost

Your budget is a significant determinant of whether renovation or ground-up construction is a viable option. Our friends at Tureks Plumbing Services, a home remodeling contractor in Appleton, WI, add that most renovation projects require smaller budgets than ground-up construction does. Furthermore, renovation projects can be phased so that the cost implication is spread out over a longer time. If your budget is limited, your best bet is to renovate an existing building. However, if no resource limitation exists, ground-up construction may be a better option.

As you can see, there is no clear cut answer as to whether renovation or ground-up construction is the best option for you. What can only determine the correct answer once you discuss your building needs in Sacramento with an expert from Head Waters Construction, Inc. Our professionals will recommend the most cost-effective option for your company, so give us a call today!

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in August 2019 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

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