Building from the Ground Up

building from the ground up

building from the ground upBuilding From the Ground Up with Headwaters Construction

Constructing a commercial building from the ground up is not an easy undertaking. Commercial buildings take longer and use up more resources than residential buildings. You probably know this if your plans involve owning a commercial building. 

There are a number of steps involved in commercial construction that involves building from the ground up. These steps make it necessary to come up with durable and safe construction for the public. Below are the steps involved in building a commercial building from our Sacramento construction general contractors.

Planning and Development 

This is the first and most important step in building from the ground up. Without a proper plan, the project is likely to encounter problems along the way which could have a lot of negative consequences. Planning involves picking the location, finding an architect to draw up the plans, and finding the right contractor or Commercial Construction Company to handle the construction. 

Unlike residential buildings that are less likely to directly affect many people, commercial buildings require a lot of planning before they can even get approval. During this stage, every member involved in the building will ensure they meet every code and regulation before breaking ground. 

Designing Your Commercial Building

An architect will play an important role during this phase. Turek’s Plumbing, Appleton, WI Kitchen remodel company explains that the work of the architect is to work with the stakeholders and come up with an appropriate design of the building depending on different factors. An architect will put into consideration the budget, wants, and needs of the project owner while coming up with the appropriate design. During this phase, engineers create detailed documents for the constructions which are then sent to the relevant departments within the city for approval. 


The preconstruction period is meant to get everything in order. During this period, associate vendors forward their quotes for review while all the necessary permits and documentation are put into place. Construction cannot commence without approval from the relevant authorities. 

Additionally, there is a constructability review that allows issues to be raised and addressed before construction can start. This also includes inspecting the site of health hazards to ensure that the contractors work in a safe environment. 


Essential materials and equipment for the construction are purchased. The procurement process should meet the budget and quality expectations of the business owners. They should also meet all legal requirements. 

Equipment that cannot be bought is hired at this stage and contractors ensure that everything arrives in time for the construction. Finally, the contractors hire laborers, allocate jobs, and plan salaries. 

Commercial Construction

This can happen anytime from months to years after the planning and development stage. Commercial construction does not start unless everything is ready. The foundation is then laid according to the specifications provided. 

The foundation is one of the most important parts of the building. It plays a huge role in determining the overall strength of the building. 


The Post-Construction period involves making sure that the building is up to the required standards. Therefore, expect rigorous testing on every level before the public can be allowed in. Every piece of material and facilities provided by the building is tested to ensure that they meet the required standards provided for in the project plan. 

Minor repairs are carried out before the architect can provide a certificate of substantial completion. Once this is done, a building official will perform a final inspection. 

Finding a Commercial Construction Contractor 

It is important to ensure that every aspect of your commercial building ideas is well taken care of before construction starts. A well-constructed commercial building is likely to last for a long time without having to undergo major reconstruction. Call Headwaters Construction Inc. today and enjoy the best professional services for your commercial building project.

How To Avoid Contractor Scams

how to avoid contractor scams

how to avoid contractor scams5 Contractor Scams and How to Avoid Them

In our work at Headwaters Construction Inc. as commercial construction contractors, we have been able to learn how to avoid contractor scams. We have spoken with tons of property owners who were taken for a ride by scammy contractors. While most commercial builders are standup honest people, some have soiled the reputation of committed and hardworking professionals. In this blog post, we share a compilation of the most common contractor scams we’ve heard at Headwaters Construction Inc. Use this information to be a smart commercial property owner who can immediately detect a contractor scam from miles away! 

The Upfront Payment Scam

This one is very common because it is premised on a reason that seems logical. For example, the contractor may explain to the building owner that they need, say 30% payment upfront, in order to buy needed materials and rent equipment.

Sacramento construction general contractors explain that once you pay that money, the contractor may stop talking to you entirely. In other cases, they will do some work or even fail to work in accordance with the timelines agreed upon. They know you will find it hard to fire them since you will forfeit what you’ve already paid.

To protect yourself from this scam, only pay the minimum mandated by law. For example, some states stipulate that a client is only obliged to pay 10% upfront as a sign of seriousness.

But what about materials and equipment? Serious commercial builders have networks of suppliers. It shouldn’t be hard to get materials and equipment on credit first. You can then pay for these using the agreed milestone payments as work progresses.

The Verbal Agreement Scam

Some contractors promise to include so many extras in the work they are going to do. This can happen during a retail renovation or any other kind of commercial construction project. They will assure you that you should take their word on this, but once the contract is signed and work begins, it may be a different story. You may be shocked to find that the items agreed upon verbally aren’t addressed.

If you insist that the contractor does what he or she promised verbally, they will ask you for money to cover those costs! Understanding this upfront will help you learn how to avoid contractor scams.

Avoid this scam by putting everything in writing. At Headwaters Construction Inc., we take this so seriously that we tell clients that if something isn’t in writing, then it doesn’t exist. Write everything down, including change orders.  Both parties should sign before the work begins or payments are made.

The “A Permit Isn’t Necessary” Scam

Nearly all commercial construction projects require a building permit from the local authorities. However, some unscrupulous contractors may tell you that they don’t need one for the work specified.

Other contractors may even tell you to get one intended for DIY projects, but don’t fall for this trap. If the contractor doesn’t get a permit, he or she will not be answerable to the local building authorities. Yet, building inspectors need to sign off on the work to confirm that it was done in accordance with the applicable code.

If anything goes wrong and the work was done without a permit, you, and not the contractor, will be answerable!

Avoid this scam by insisting that the contractor obtains a permit from the relevant authorities so that there will be supervision from the municipal building department. Appleton, WI bathroom remodel company, Tureks Plumbing, explains that you are assured that the work done meets all regulations.

The “Unforeseen Problems” Scam

Some contractors can lure you in with a low quote and then after the work has commenced they say they run into unforeseen problems for which more money is needed to fix or accommodate.

While commercial construction companies will tell you that it is possible for unforeseen problems to arise, some contractors use this window to rip off building owners.

Two options are open to you to avoid this scam. First, the written contract you sign should have provisions on how change orders can be agreed upon. Secondly, you can get an independent commercial builder to ascertain the authenticity of the problem stated by the contractor, as well as give you advice on what it would cost to address that issue.

The Low-Priced Extra Materials Scam

We have come to learn that the people who deploy this scam usually come unannounced with some extra paving materials or other such materials that they are willing to sell to you at a discount if you can give them a contract to pave your yard or fix your driveway.

The scam in this case is that they could ask for a lot of money to fix underlying issues they “hadn’t been aware of,” or they could do shoddy work and vanish in thin air leaving you to foot the bill of having the work redone.

Avoid this scam by checking such a contractor’s references. That way, you can make sure that they are licensed and bonded in the jurisdiction. If you don’t get what you expected, then you can trace for them if they were a legit company.

At Headwaters Construction Inc., the best commercial renovation contractors in Sacramento, we have a rich history of topnotch commercial construction work. We work in several states including California, Washington State, and Oregon. Contact us and discover what it means to work with reputable professionals.


Commercial Spaces and Code Compliance

Commercial Spaces and Code Compliance

Commercial Spaces and Code ComplianceAre Your Commercial Spaces Meeting Code Compliance?

Since commercial building laws and regulations are constantly evolving, commercial spaces and code compliance can change often. Headwaters Construction Inc., a commercial construction company in California, conducts onsite code compliance evaluations. These help property owners and users recognize what is needed to bring the space up to code.

Why Should You Even Be Concerned About Commercial Spaces and Code Compliance?

Building inspectors are tasked with ensuring that all buildings comply with the current code requirements. If inspectors find that your building or commercial space doesn’t comply with the code for the area, you could face many problems. These issues could be anything from stiff monetary penalties to even jail time. 

Additionally, Sacramento commercial builders say that businesses that are found to be operating from premises that don’t code compliant can face ethics violations charges. Having your commercial space reviewed for building code compliance by Headwaters Construction Inc. can protect you and your business from the risks above.

Why Do Building Codes Exist?

According to the International Code Council, building codes are important in all communities because they protect people from weather-related adverse events, fires, structural collapse, and other disasters whose magnitude could have been kept minimal, or the disaster avoided altogether.

Building inspectors or code officials work to ensure that all buildings comply with the code requirements in their area. In commercial buildings that are open to lots of people on a daily basis, inspectors are extra cautious to ensure that these businesses comply with the code requirements in force within a given jurisdiction.

When viewed from this angle, it becomes clear that building codes, and the officials who enforce them, are there for the good of everyone, so each commercial space owner or the user should do everything in their power to comply with the existing code requirements.

Why Would One Need Code Compliance Evaluation Help?

Building codes cover a wide range of aspects of a building. For example, some chapters or provisions will cover the electrical system. Other sections talk about the plumbing system and the fire prevention or suppression system.

These are technical documents that would send the head of a layperson spinning. However, the language in the codes is the daily language that commercial construction companies like Headwaters Construction Inc. use.

McQuillan Bros, HVAC company in St. Paul, MN explains that it is easy for a commercial builder to read the code and immediately know what has to be done in order to comply with those provisions.

Commercial construction companies are always in the loop. They immediately know when a change has been made to existing code, and how it affects the current buildings in the jurisdiction.

Sacramento construction general contractors like Headwaters Construction Inc. are best placed to conduct a code compliance evaluation. After, they will provide advice on what you need to do to bring your commercial space up to code.

What Else Can I Get from Code Compliance Evaluation?

When you enlist our help at Headwaters Construction Inc. to perform a code compliance evaluation, you will gain a lot. We give more than just a report that details what is out of code and how to bring it back.

In addition to the above, we will also point out what cosmetic improvements you can make to your commercial space. For example, we will point out areas of worn floors, peeling paint, needed ceiling repairs, and more!

Get in touch with us at Headwaters Construction Inc. if you’re interested in compliance evaluations. We will offer a solution that will bring your commercial space into code compliance. We can also repair the existing defects in a cost-effective way. This will make the commercial premises an enviable home for your business.

Ghost Kitchens in Shopping Malls

Ghost Kitchens in Shopping Malls

Ghost Kitchens in Shopping MallsGhost Kitchens: The Shopping Mall Trend Gathering Steam

Have you heard about ghost kitchens in shopping malls? Mall owners all over are transforming their spaces. These kitchens can provide a viable way to utilize empty retail space in your buildings. However, there is a lot to know about before you jump on the ghost kitchen trend in shopping malls. It is important to pay attention to the unique challenges that repurposing existing space in malls into ghost kitchens presents. These insights have been contributed by the experienced commercial builders at Headwaters Construction Inc.

What is a Ghost Kitchen?

Under normal circumstances, commercial kitchens are located in spaces where a restaurant or hotel exist. This is to serve clients who sit and dine in the space availed for that purpose.

In contrast, a ghost kitchen is a commercial kitchen that is set up in a location where there is no intention for customers to come in, order, and have a meal. Ghost kitchens are established to fulfill the orders made through food delivery apps, such as Uber Foods. This is so the food can be prepped and transported to a restaurant elsewhere. 

Why Would You Be Interested in Ghost Kitchens in Shopping Malls?

Ghost kitchens are enticing to shopping mall owners because they utilize unused space that may exist.

Commercial renovation contractors like Headwaters Construction Inc. are seeing a lot of unused space in shopping malls due to the increasing trend of businesses taking their operations online. 

This shift to digital platforms, and the transfer of brick and mortar outlets to the suburbs, poses a real existential threat to shopping malls. This is unless alternative uses for the available space can be found quickly. Ghost kitchens are one of those alternatives available to shopping mall owners having unused space in their malls.

Considerations When Converting Existing Retail Space into a Ghost Kitchen

  • Infrastructure Intricacies

Turek’s Plumbing, an Appleton, WI Kitchen remodel company explains that any commercial kitchen, regardless of its size, requires more. Commercial kitchens require more water, gas, and waste lines when compared to other commercial spaces. As you plan a retail renovation project to convert existing space into a ghost kitchen, think about the costs that will be involved in implementing these upgrades.

One safeguard that you can negotiate to rationalize these upgrades is securing a long term tenant. This will make the cost of the upgrades offset gradually and the conversion makes business sense.

  • Layout Limitations

Commercial construction companies rely on the existing utility lines (water, gas and waste) to plan the layout of a commercial kitchen during a renovation or repurposing project.

If the available space wasn’t originally designed to be a commercial kitchen, then the commercial renovation contractor may have no choice other than to tear up the existing floors and walls in order to install these lines as demanded by a commercial kitchen.

Needless to say, making those layout modifications will come at a significant cost, and shopping mall owners have to think about this cost when considering whether to take on a ghost kitchen as a tenant for retail space that is currently unused.

  • Mechanical System Additions

Setting up a ghost kitchen in a space that was a kitchen before makes things easier. If the ghost kitchen is created from space that wasn’t used as a kitchen before, then there will be a need to install mechanical systems like black iron ductwork (that also has fans to link the exhaust system of the kitchen to the exterior of the building), a fire suppression system, and so on. 

The cost of these mechanical systems may be hard to estimate, so it is wise for you to enlist the help of Headwaters Construction Inc.’s experienced Sacramento commercial builders.

Work out the feasibility of having ghost kitchens as tenants before you make any commitments to potential tenants. At Headwaters Construction Inc., we have experience in performing different kinds of commercial renovations. We have converted many existing retail spaces into commercial kitchens. Contact us today and we can help you to realize your dream of having ghost kitchens as tenants.

History of Tilt-Up Construction

Tilt Up Construction

tilt-up-construction-sacramentoA History of Tilt-Up Construction

Tilt-up concrete construction is a common method of construction used today. It has given rise to many of the large buildings you see around you. However, this hasn’t always been the case. Keep reading and discover the interesting history of this construction method from its early beginnings to what it is today.

What is Tilt-Up Construction?

Tilt-up concrete construction refers to a method of building in which concrete components, such as walls and floor slabs, are cast on site before being lifted into position by cranes.

Headwaters Construction Inc., the best commercial builder in Sacramento, explains that tilt-up differs from prefab construction because, in prefab construction, concrete components are fabricated offsite in a factory. They are then transported to the construction site. In contrast, the concrete components used in tilt-up construction are cast at the construction site itself. This is before being lifted to their final positions on a building.

The very first types of buildings to be constructed using tilt-up concrete construction were warehouses and other “big box” structures due to the economies of scale that could be enjoyed on those projects.

Today, tilt-up construction can be used to put up all sorts of buildings, such as hotels, hospitals, and even homes.

The Beginning

Commercial construction using tilt-up construction as we know it was invented in 1905. Three years later, Robert Akins got a patent for this construction method.

Akins created a buzz in the construction industry when he poured wall slabs onsite and lifted them upright using tilt tables. The building he constructed was named Schindler House located in West Hollywood, California. 

Thomas Edison, the famous inventor, was so enthralled by this novel way to construct buildings that he declared that tilt-up concrete construction was the method of construction of the future. Edison constructed an entire village in Union, New Jersey, using tilt-up construction in 1908. This village is still standing to this day!

Technological advancements, such as the availability of larger cranes and concrete mixing trucks, have caused tilt-up construction to explode in popularity. The construction boom that started at the end of World War 2, together with the labor shortages caused by that devastating war, further cemented tilt-up construction’s place in society.

Recent Developments

Commercial construction using tilt-up concrete construction used to result in “boxy” exterior walls whose corners were 90-degree angles and the walls were flat.

Today, builders are no longer limited to those appearances and shapes. Instead, Headwaters Construction Inc., the best commercial builder in Sacramento, and other commercial construction companies specializing in this style of construction can deliver buildings whose window openings are elliptical or circular.

The tops of the tilt-up walls can now be curved. Several finishing options, such as exposed aggregate, stone, and brick, can all be applied to tilt-up walls. Even the color of the walls can also be customized to suit the needs of the project owner.

This variation in the structure and aesthetics of tilt-up construction shows why the method has gone beyond warehouses to buildings and homes.

Why Should You Even Consider Tilt-Up Construction?

The construction industry is very conservative, so you may be wondering why this new method of construction has caught on. Many project owners are specifically requesting for tilt-up concrete construction.

Tilt-up construction is good for building owners because the method cuts the construction duration by approximately two months. Gilmore Heating Air & Plumbing, Sacramento HVAC company explains that the method is cost-effective, efficient, safe, and quiet. It also offers architectural freedom since the onsite casting of concrete elements removes limitations due to transportation challenges and more.

These are the reason why you need to give serious consideration to tilt-up construction for your next project. If you would like to learn more about how this construction method can work for you, contact Sacramento tilt-up contractors. We can discuss with you the viability of this time-tested method for your project.

Innovation Strategy

Innovation Strategy

Innovation StrategyWhat Is an Innovation Strategy?

Every company needs to innovate if they want to remain relevant in a quickly changing landscape. While many companies claim to have innovation at their core, their results show that this is not always the case. Despite the massive amounts of resources allocated to innovation, failure is the norm for many of them. For such companies, they need to focus on innovation strategy. Execution of innovation isn’t enough if there is no strategy towards a company’s selected long-term goals.

A good strategy makes every department or unit in the company committed to a clearly defined set of policies. This will include desired behaviors that ultimately lead to the realization of a specified business goal. Our experienced Sacramento Tilt-Up Construction professionals explain that your innovation strategy should address the following questions:

How Will We Create Value for Existing and Potential Customers?

An innovative product or solution can provide value in many ways. These include increased durability, compactness, lower cost, ease of use, better reliability, and so many other ways. For example, Gilmore Heating, Air and Plumbing, a residential ac company in Placerville, is constantly staying ahead of the curve by providing customers with better devices and services.  Your innovation strategy will be lacking if it doesn’t specify your plan to offer value to potential customers. For example, different teams may try to find ways of offering value in different ways, and this lack of coherence will ultimately result in the failure of the innovation strategy.

How Will We Corner a Segment of the Value Created?

The reality of the world today is that not many companies or people are willing to invest in coming up with novel innovations, so they just pounce on any new innovation with their imitations.

Trying to keep such pirates at bay with patents and intellectual property rights is useless. You are better off deciding how you plan to capture a segment of the market that is attracted to your innovation. For example, Apple secured a corner of the market it created by bringing the iPad. This is called a proprietary operating system. That system ensures that someone who owns an iPad will more easily buy an iPhone since they use the same platform.

What Type of Innovation Strategy Should We Focus On?

Innovation can take many forms. A company may be kidding themselves if they think that they will pursue all types of innovation with the same degree of commitment. For example, some companies may be built on business model innovation. Uber and Netflix are a good example of such companies. Other companies may focus on routine innovation. This is a version in which you make improvements to an existing product. Microsoft has excelled at this with its different Windows OS versions. Disruptive innovation is yet another form of innovation, where companies seek to upset the status quo. For example, Google came up with the free Android OS as a disruption to the operating systems of Apple and Windows that one has to pay for.

In short, the innovation strategy of your company needs to outline how much attention will be given to the different kinds of innovation so that all efforts gel across the company.

The Power of Prevailing Winds in Innovation Strategy

Implementing an innovation strategy in a company is no walk in the park. This is because the operational needs of the company will keep pulling personnel and other resources towards fixing immediate needs. For example, your company may be interested in pursuing innovation, but the finance department may push the R&D department to come up with less costly components. They could want this to remain profitable, while the marketing team demands better packaging to reach new customers with existing products.

Those pressures are illustrations of how prevailing winds can throw your plans of innovation off track. Without clear leadership to stay on course, the innovation strategy can just remain on paper.

The Role of Management

Top management has many roles to play if the innovation strategy consists of two things: to see the light of day and bear the desired fruit in the long term.

First, top management is responsible for formulating the innovation strategy of the company. Commercial Renovation Contractors explain that this is important because only they can set the priorities of the company. This innovation strategy should then be articulated to all in the company so there is clarity on what matters most.

Secondly, top management is responsible for ensuring that the way resources are allocated supports the innovation strategy. What happens on the ground in terms of resource allocation determines what the strategy of your company is.

Third and most importantly, top management has the duty to keep refining the strategy. This is to ensure that it remains in tune with the changing times. For example, when a truly disruptive innovation is brought to market, it may be wiser to switch to routine innovation.  This occurs to get as much value from that one innovation as is possible. Modest resources can then be used to search for the next big innovation.

As you can see, coming up with and eventually implementing an innovation strategy isn’t something you can do overnight. A lot of careful thought has to go into the process. However, the results are worth every bead of sweat! The construction industry did it with tilt-up construction and other innovations. You too can position yourself to be innovative. 

For any innovative construction needs, please contact us at Headwater Construction Inc. We’d love to assist you!

Tilt-Up Construction Must Knows

Tilt-Up Construction Must-Knows

Tilt-Up Construction Must-KnowsEverything You Need to Know About Tilt-Up Construction

Tilt-up concrete has been here for about a hundred years, though it came to the head of construction in the 1980s. This occurred when the American Concrete Institute (ACI) formed a committee dedicated to tilt-up concrete. If you are considering tilt-up construction, please read the following must knows on tilt-up concrete to ensure it’s the right technology for your construction needs! 

Tilt-Up Concrete Panel Sizes

Headwaters Construction, Inc., the best tilt-up construction company in California, explains that there is almost no limit as to how large or wide tilt-up panels can be. For example, when a site has limited space, the tilt-up panels can be stacked as they are being manufactured on-site. Lifting cranes of different carrying capacities are available. This is so the weight of the panel may not impose limitations on how large the panels can get.

Tilt-up panels vary depending on whether they are insulated or not, in terms of thickness. Those that aren’t insulated usually range between seven and 12 inches in thickness. 

If the design specifies that insulated panels be used, those panels will take on a sandwich-style appearance. In such a case, tilt-up construction professionals at Headwaters Construction, Inc. explain tilt-up construction must-knows about the sizing of the panels. The outer face of the panel will be 2-3 inches thick. The insulation layer will be 2-6 inches thick. The inner face of the panel will then be 7-12 inches thick. 

Manufacturing and Physical Properties

Tilt-up contractors start by digging the foundation and pouring a slab that forms the floor of the tilt-up building. This same slab also serves as the casting slab for the tilt-up panels.

Formwork is placed on the foundation slab so that panels that meet the specifications (in terms of shape and size) can be cast. The formwork is often made from lumber, but some commercial construction companies use reusable metal or plastic for this task.

Just like in other forms of concrete, tilt-up panels have steel reinforcement inside them. Tilt-up contractors place “embeds,” such as weld plates, lifting inserts and others in the formwork before the concrete is poured.

As mentioned earlier, tilt-up panels can be stacked. The bond breakers applied between the different panels make it easy for individual panels to be lifted off the panels beneath them in the stack.

Many times, tilt-up contractors find that space limitations can be tricky. They will require that a lifting crane sits on a section of the foundation or floor slab during the lifting of the wall panels. In such a situation, the commercial builder will make the floor slab to be thicker than it would ordinarily be. That added thickness is intended to cater to the weight of the crane as it is doing its work.

The concrete is supplied by a ready-mix concrete supplier that uses the material to make tilt-up panels. This is a person who designs the mix to meet the specifications provided by the tilt-up construction company. For example, high-strength concrete may be required, or the mix may be designed to reach full strength sooner. This would help facilitate the quick completion of other phases of the construction process.

Tilt-Up Construction Panel Installation

Tilt-up panels are usually cast face-down. When they are ready to be hoisted, a crane lifts them off the floor slab. The crane then positions them vertically around the foundation slab. Each panel is braced to hold it in position until all the panels have been lifted and the work of welding the panels together can begin.

Connections are cast into the panels during the casting phase. These connections make it possible for adjacent panels to be welded together so the entire envelope can have structural integrity.

Headwaters Construction, Inc. then uses special seals to fill the vertical joints between different tilt-up panels. This forms a tight envelop that doesn’t allow energy leakage to occur.

Tilt-Up Concrete Finishes

Commercial construction companies like Headwaters Construction, Inc. use a variety of architectural treatments to make the tilt-up panels have rich details in their appearance. For example, reveals and rustications make it possible for the walls to appear to have been made from more panels than they are. 

Exposed aggregate, colored concrete, and other surface finishes provide different ways that tilt-up panels can be made to be esthetically pleasing. Small brick inserts can also be placed on the outer surfaces of the tilt-up panels for a maintenance-free finish. 

Building Codes

Tureks Plumbing, a home-remodeling company in Appleton, WI, points out the importance of building codes. Both commercial and residential services must follow certain guidelines. Tilt-up construction is covered in the reinforced concrete section of the International Building Code (IBC). Commercial builders explain that this code requires that only a licensed structural engineer can design a tilt-up concrete building.

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) publishes design guides for tilt-up concrete panels. These guides expand on the information contained in the institute’s general guidelines on tilt-up concrete.

Tilt-Up Construction Comparative Cost

Headwaters Construction, Inc. recalls that in the past, tilt-up construction was only economical for large commercial construction projects. This means that only projects, like warehousing and retail construction projects, were able to utilize tilt-up construction. However, there have been advances in design and material flexibility, along with a huge selection of cranes available. This has made it possible for smaller structures to be competitively built using this technology. 

The popularity of tilt-up construction is growing because of the benefits that come with this approach to construction. These include the time and cost savings that result from casting panels onsite at-grade. This is unlike vertical casting, which is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Tilt-up panels form a tighter envelope due to having fewer joints than the walls made using other forms of construction. Contact Headwaters Construction, Inc. if you would like to learn more about this technology with your next commercial project. We hope that these tilt-up construction must knows answered any questions you may have in the meantime. Our experienced Sacramento construction contractors would love to deliver your completed project in record time, cost-effectively!

Using Coaching to Train Your Employees

using coaching to train your employees

using coaching to train your employeesYour employees can make or break your business. Many companies around the globe spend a lot of time and money making sure that they have the best employees in the market to ensure that they meet the company’s objectives and satisfy customers. 

You too can make sure that your employees advance your company objectives. You can also help current employees assume bogger roles within the company thus helping both you and the business to grow. 

Through coaching, you can improve employee performance and maximize success. How can you use coaching to develop your clients and increase their value in your business? Below are steps you need to take to successfully coach your employees into contributing members of your organization.

List Down your Desired Outcomes 

What exactly do you hope your employees will be able to do once coaching is done? 

You can borrow from your company’s employee job description and coach them to meet the needs of that particular job. Having a list of desired outcomes makes it easy to streamline coaching and save time. 

Use New Projects 

If you are planning to train your employees on handling a particular project, start with a new one. A new project guarantees that the employee will not encounter issues left behind by someone else. If you have to start with an ongoing project, make sure that the employee fully understands what is needed of them and be there to guide them. 

Have a Scheduled coaching timeline

Effective coaching is an intense process that requires both the coach and the trainee to be in attendance. Initially, the coach should be there to guide the employee for half of the day. This coaching time will reduce gradually as the employee gains confidence and learns what is required of them. The coach can use the watch and learn method where they do all the work as the employee watches before slowly relegating tasks to them. 

Task relegation 

With time, your employees will continue to learn how to perform tasks and gain confidence. Slowly relegate tasks to them and ensure that they can complete each task successfully. This ensures that the employees can handle everything. It also reduces training time. 

Review and Adapt

As the employee gains experience, you will review their ability to handle tasks, suggest changes and reinforce positive traits. It is also important to listen to your employee’s ideas and determine whether they can be adapted into the role. When listening to your employee’s ideas, take the time to listen and help them understand why some of their ideas may not work instead of just shutting them down. Gilmore Heating, Air, and Solar, the best HVAC company in Placerville, is a great example of a company who is always evolving and adapting.

End the Coaching Session

This happens once you notice that the employee is fully trained and confident enough to handle everything without supervision. In most companies, the end of this coaching period is marked with some sort of ceremony. From here on the employee can take up normal roles in the company and proceed with normal working processes. 

Coaching your employees to perform tasks in your community takes time and effort. However, taking this time to develop your employees through a proactive coaching process will guarantee their ability to meet the company’s objectives and meet your targets. 


How Strip Mall Renovation Boosts Profitability

strip mall renovations

strip mall renovationsStrip malls have been a common sight in the US for decades. Their invention allowed the localization of different services in a way that is convenient for customers. However, as years go by, strip malls are starting to face intense competition from other more convenient alternatives. Such alternatives are yet to usher the end of strip malls though. As a strip mall owner, you still have a lot more profit to make depending on how well you run your business. You can decide to make your mall pop through renovations which will, in turn, boost profit. 

Here are a few ways in which your decision to renovate your strip mall can make it more profitable. 


Roof designs have revolved to include different designs that might work for your strip mall. Your roof is one of the first things customers will notice about your strip mall. Therefore, tearing down an old roof and adding a new and modern one can change the face of the entire building. It helps add more character to the strip mall without necessarily taking up more space. Talk to a commercial builder to help you pick the best roofing plan for a new look for your building. 

Wall Improvement 

The good thing about renovating your walls is that you don’t even have to tear them down. In retail renovation, the simple act of cleaning up your walls and getting rid of stains such as graffiti will make the building look new. Apply a fresh coat of paint to get rid of the discoloration and you will have given new life to your strip mall. Additionally, you can decide to add art pieces on the inside to make the walls livelier and attract more customers. Get a commercial renovation contractor to help you find ways to make your walls more appealing. 


Landscaping used to be a luxury item for most strip malls owners. However, it has now grown into a necessity with more strip malls spotting elaborate landscape patterns across the country. Landscaping serves two purposes, it attracts more people and shows your environmental awareness. 


Most strip malls are currently used by fitness retailers, financial services firms and insurance firms. These are businesses that utilize plenty of lighting to advertise their services. Make sure that your strip mall is adequately lit on both the inside and the outside. This includes any signage that alerts people of the services within the business center. Proper lighting helps improve the aesthetic value of your business. It also makes it easy and safer for business owners to run 24-hour joints. 

Walkways and Canopies 

Consider building walkways and canopies that allow people to access the shopping center regardless of the weather conditions. A canopy extending from the parking lot to the center will help people visit the strip mall when it is raining, for example. This not only ensures that there is an even stream of traffic throughout the year it also gives you more revenue-generating options by increasing the surface area to sell ad spaces. 

As long as strip malls continue to resist the e-commerce market wave, there is a lot more you can do to make them profitable. Contact Headwaters Constructions today for professional advice on how to renovate your strip mall to increase your profit margins. For assistance in consulting and planning, we are always here for you. 

Benefits of Insulated Metal Panels for Your Business

benefits of insulated metal panels - Headwaters Construction Inc

benefits of insulated metal panelsInsulated Metal Panels are one of the most preferred construction materials by many commercial builders. They are liked for their insulation properties as well as their ability to meet any aesthetic plan or requirement. These external walls and roofs are made of two metal skins and an insulating foam core in between the skins. They are most popular with government buildings, financial institutions such as banks, recreational facilities, and manufacturing plants. 

What is it about insulated metal panes that make them so valuable to commercial builders? Below are the benefits of using insulated metal panels. 

Easy to Install

A typical concrete wall will require time and, in some cases, a number of professionals to produce the final product. The surface of the insulated metal panel can act as the finished surface. The wall itself provides everything you might need in terms of thermal, vapor, and air insulation. It is possible to carry out a one-step installation, which reduces the time required for construction by up to 50%. The fact that they can stand most weather conditions and for long, eliminates the need for additional products and reinforcement. 

Design Flexibility

Insulated metal panels come in different shapes, sizes, and forms. You can get flat or corrugated surfaces depending on what you need. You will not need to employ many structural support measures since the panels are strong. Contractors have the option of picking different profiles based on colors, finishes, and accessories, depending on whether you are looking for horizontal or vertical designs. Additionally, incorporating doors and windows will not affect the integrity and design of the panels.  


The fact that you will not require multiple vendors or products for a finished product means less cost of construction. Another cost-saving benefit that comes with insulated metal panels is their energy efficiency. They also require little to no repairs during their lifetime.

Energy Efficient

Your insulated metal panels will comfortably maintain the internal temperatures of any room. The panels are specifically designed with interlocking groove joints that have concealed fasteners to form an airtight seal. This way, the weather conditions on the outside do not interfere with the set conditions inside. By maintaining the climatic conditions inside the building, appliances such as HVAC systems will have an easier time setting the right atmosphere.  

Environmentally Friendly

The metal skins used in the construction of an IMP comes from recycled steel. Further, IMPs have R-values, which indicate the panel’s thermal resistance ability. R-values are based on the type of insulation, density, and thickness, among other factors. 

They contribute to the LEED credits and Net-Zero energy targets, which recognize buildings that operate with zero carbon emissions from energy consumption. 

Their resistance to termites and mold also means that you will not be using pesticides that could harm the environment. Finally, the insulated metal panel can always be insulated at the end of its use, thus guaranteeing no wastage or damage to the environment. 


Insulated metal panels are resistant to fire, bugs, mildew, mold, bacterial growth, and rust. This allows them to last for years without withering. 

Insulated Metal Panels are no doubt great options for anyone providing construction services and are willing to create a strong, durable, and energy-efficient space. Their ease of construction allows construction builders to create modern and aesthetically pleasing buildings. At Headwaters Construction Inc., we guarantee you the best service when setting up any structure using the insulated metal panels. Contact Headwaters Construction today with your construction project for personalized and professional service.