The Benefits of Renovating Your Retail Business

entryway landscaping tips for your commercial building - Sacramento commercial builders

In a highly competitive retail market, staying current with consumer preferences and trends is vital for your business’s success. One proactive approach to maintaining your edge is through regular renovation of your retail space. Renovations not only improve your store’s aesthetic appeal but also enhance functionality, creating a shopping environment that is both inviting and efficient for your customers. These updates can also boost your brand image, convey the quality of your products, and attract a broader customer base. In this blog, we will delve into the myriad of benefits of renovating your retail business, underlining why it should be a strategic priority for any business looking to succeed.

Why Renovate Your Business?

Renovating your retail space is a proactive strategy that can significantly enhance customer experience. An aesthetically pleasing and well-planned store layout can facilitate easy navigation, reducing the time and effort customers need to find their desired products. If customers find shopping in your store convenient and enjoyable, they are likely to spend more time and money, thereby increasing your sales. Additionally, adopting new technologies as part of your renovation can streamline the checkout process, reducing waiting times and improving customer satisfaction. Not only that, renovations can reflect the latest sustainability practices, such as energy-efficient lighting and materials, which appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. In essence, renovating your business is about more than just a physical transformation; it’s about re-imagining your business to meet and exceed customer expectations.

How Renovations Increase Efficiency

Well-executed renovations can lead to increased efficiency in several ways. By optimizing the layout, you can improve the flow of customer traffic and product placement, making it easier for customers to find and purchase products. This also allows your staff to restock and manage inventory more effectively. Renovations that improve efficiency are an underutilized and underappreciated, but incredibly valuable way to improve the day-to-day operations of any retail business. Additionally, implementing modern, energy-efficient systems as part of the renovation can result in significant savings on your utility bills.

Renovations and Brand Image

A retail store renovation is also an opportunity to strengthen your brand image. A modern, sleek, and clean retail space communicates professionalism and trust, indicating that your business values quality. On the other hand, incorporating unique design elements that reflect your brand’s personality can help distinguish your store from competitors. Furthermore, a well-maintained, updated space signals to customers that your business is thriving and committed to delivering the best shopping experience. In essence, strategic renovations can be a powerful tool for enhancing your brand image and establishing a stronger connection with your customers.

Renovations as a Financial Investment

Investing in renovations is not merely an expense, but a strategic financial investment that can yield significant returns. By delivering an enhanced shopping experience, renovations can attract more customers, increase sales, and, consequently, boost profits. Additionally, a renovated space can potentially increase the property’s value, offering a higher return should you decide to lease or sell in the future. Furthermore, by incorporating energy-efficient features, you can lower operational costs and save money in the long run. While the initial cost may seem substantial, consider it as an investment into your business’s future growth and success. Therefore, the financial benefits of renovating your retail business extend far beyond aesthetics, making it a worthwhile and necessary undertaking for any forward-thinking retailer.

Headwaters Building Group Is Your Answer

The benefits of renovating your retail business range from enhanced customer experience and brand image to significantly increased operational efficiency and financial returns. At Headwaters Building Group, we understand the intricacies of retail renovation and are committed to bringing your vision to life. Combining our expertise with your unique needs, we create retail spaces that are not just aesthetically pleasing but also functional and future-ready. Don’t wait to give your retail business the competitive edge it deserves. Contact us today to start your renovation journey and propel your business to new heights. We look forward to hearing from you and helping your retail business not just stand out, but succeed in an increasingly competitive world.

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5 Tips For Commercial Renovation

commercial renovation

Stepping into a commercial renovation project can be a daunting task. The appeal of a fresh, modern space and the potential for increased profitability are alluring, but the path to achieving these goals may feel overwhelming. Thankfully, with proper planning and strategic execution, you can significantly simplify the process and maximize your return on investment. In this blog post, we share seven critical tips for successfully navigating your commercial renovation project. These guidelines aim to provide a clear roadmap and invaluable advice, whether you’re revamping a retail store, overhauling an office space, or refurbishing a restaurant. We’re here to help ensure your project goes smoothly and achieves the stunning results you envision.

When it comes to maximizing return on investment (ROI) in commercial renovation projects, there are several crucial factors to take into consideration. With the right guidance, expertise, and a touch of creativity, you have the opportunity to create a captivating and inspiring space that will leave a lasting impression on clients and employees alike. Here are seven of the most important tips you’ll ever receive when it comes to the process of commercial renovation and making sure you get the most out of it.

Create A Solid Plan For Your Project

One of the most crucial and fundamental aspects that contribute significantly to the successful execution of a commercial renovation project involves meticulously crafting a comprehensive, detailed project plan. This plan should include not only a well-defined timeline and budget but also specific, ambitious goals for the renovation endeavor. By formulating a comprehensive, thoughtful project plan, you can ensure that the entire renovation process remains streamlined and aligned with the expectations and desired outcomes of all stakeholders involved. Furthermore, a project plan serves as a proactive measure to mitigate any unforeseen construction challenges and unexpected delays, ultimately maximizing the return on investment (ROI) for the renovation undertaking.

Safety Features

Safety features play a pivotal role in every commercial renovation project. It is crucial to incorporate essential safety elements like state-of-the-art security roof hatches, comprehensive sprinkler systems, and strategically placed emergency exits. These measures not only ensure the protection of both employees and customers but also minimize the potential risks of accidents or injuries. Moreover, integrating safety features into the design of your commercial building allows property owners to remain in full compliance with local safety regulations, thereby avoiding steep fines.

Upgraded Aesthetics

Upgrading the aesthetics of a commercial space can have a profound and transformative impact on both customers and employees alike. By curating a visually appealing environment, the overall experience for customers can be elevated to new heights, leaving a lasting impression that resonates with their senses. From the alluring blend of open-concept floor plans and tastefully unique wall textures to the mastery of windows that bathe the space in an abundance of natural light, these carefully selected design elements infuse an air of sophistication and allure.

Make The Space More Efficient

A commercial remodel not only has the potential to bolster employee productivity but also has the ability to streamline processes, enhance workflow, and optimize space utilization. Before starting the renovation process, conducting an in-depth evaluation of the current space and identifying areas that are in need of improvement is an essential step. This can include reconfiguring structures, eliminating unnecessary items, and implementing innovative storage solutions. By augmenting space efficiency, businesses stand to heighten their productivity, curtail costs, and ultimately make the most of their ROI.

Keep Sustainability in Mind

In recent years, the construction industry has placed increasing emphasis on the significance of reducing building energy consumption and promoting sustainability in the commercial sector. This has led to a growing recognition of the potential benefits associated with integrating sustainable materials and energy-efficient systems. By doing so, businesses can not only reduce operating costs but also enhance their environmental impact, demonstrating a commitment to a greener future. It has been widely acknowledged that incorporating sustainability into commercial renovation projects can yield maximum return on investment. Beyond financial gains, it also nurtures a more eco-friendly environment and contributes to heightened employee satisfaction.

Let Headwaters Building Group Handle Everything

Let Headwaters Building Group manage your commercial renovation project from inception to completion. With our expert guidance, we’ll help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure your vision becomes a reality. We’re committed to delivering a finished project that exceeds your expectations, enhances your corporate image, and gives you the maximum return on your investment. Ready to begin your commercial renovation journey? Contact us today to discuss your project and discover how we can transform your commercial space into an environment that is functional, aesthetically pleasing, and primed for success.

Best Paint Colors For Commercial Interiors

Best Paint Colors For Commercial Interiors

Best Paint Colors For Commercial Interiors

Best Paint Colors For Commercial InteriorsWhen you only have yourself to please, choosing paint colors for your home is very simple. When painting the interior of an office, retail store, or restaurant, you must also consider how the color selection will impact the ambiance and mood of your employees and customers.

Today on the blog, our Sacramento commercial builders share how to select the best paint colors for commercial interiors.

How to Select the Best Paint Colors For Commercial Interiors

So, what does each color mean when it comes to your business? Below, our general contractors share these tried-and-true colors to make your business building more appealing. Additionally, we’ll share the hues you should probably avoid.


Unlike the musical genre, blues are a common color for commercial buildings. A deep navy or mild sea hue has a more soothing effect than other hues. As follows, our Sacramento commercial construction company has seen this in doctors’ offices and other areas where people may arrive worried.


Like blue, green may have a relaxing aura while being dynamic and cheerful. Greens work nicely in boutique retail establishments where the goal is to keep the customer happy and engaged while perusing your merchandise. Additionally, our neighbors, Sacramento Audio & Visual, Commercial Audio Video Design Services, say that many of their clients select green for their conference rooms. This is because green has also been shown to be a great hue for office conference rooms since it relaxes staff and clients during meetings.


White is one of the most popular office colors. This is a neutral tone that offers a clean foundation for every room decor, from lobbies to the corner office. While white can become dirty, so it is worthwhile to keep it clean because it can be found in practically any commercial setting. For your office, you can go with pure white, a cream color, or even pearl. However, if you’re seeking to decorate a restaurant, you’ll probably want to go with a brighter color.


Studies suggest that orange is commonly associated with creativity, and if your business involves marketing, advertising, or design, you may get the most out of your employees by utilizing a bright shade of orange. However, color won’t have much of an impact on creative enterprises because your distinctive design abilities are why they hired you in the first place. It is beneficial to portray your company’s goal with colors that inspire!


Red is often avoided because it elicits an alarming reaction. This is because red is a bold and startling hue that can make many people feel uneasy. As follows, consider a very light shade of red or maybe maroon for private offices if you want to utilize it.


Like red, purple must be carefully examined. This color is quite unusual and requires the correct location to be successful. It is ideal for swanky hotel lobbies and club lounges. This color should not be used in a medical facility, a financial firm, or a government office. However, the proper boutique retail business and casino lounge might certainly benefit from the right shade of royalty. Purple is an indulgent and rich color, so make sure your commercial space matches this bold hue.

How to Select the Right Color

Consider your business, your employees, and your clientele when selecting an interior commercial paint to locate colors that will fit the image you want to convey.

Contact Our Sacramento Commercial Construction Company Today

If you are looking for construction services in the Sacramento area, our team at Headwaters Construction Inc. is here for you! Please contact us today to schedule a time to discuss your project goals with us today. We’d love to get your project going.

Commercial Remodeling Projects

Commercial Remodeling Projects

Taking on a Sacramento Commercial Remodeling Project

Commercial Remodeling ProjectsFor any building owner, commercial building remodeling is a major project. Because of the size of the project, most people will only go through a widescale commercial remodel once or twice in their lifetime. Thus, being well-informed will make a commercial remodel or renovation less difficult. However, that is why it is important to collaborate with top Sacramento general contractors, like Headwaters Construction Inc.

When done correctly, commercial renovation increases the property value. As follows, working with a Sacramento commercial building contractor, keeping effective coordination during the process, and working closely together during the planning stages will all contribute to the success of your project. Today, our Commercial Builders share what you need to know about commercial remodeling projects.

The Basics

Commercial building remodeling assists companies in remaining relevant. When buildings are not maintained, they deteriorate easily. Repairs become crucial as fixtures become unreliable and break down. Thus, buildings that may not receive the necessary maintenance as it is needed will one day become too difficult or costly to repair.

Step-by-Step Commercial Remodeling

Every commercial remodel is unique, but a standard commercial construction project would go as follows:

  • Planning
  • Contract signing and contractor collection
  • Preparation and content acquisition
  • Demolition
  • Cleaning and Completing

As follows, your contractor should be able to walk you through the stages of the building after you’ve signed a deal with a reliable professional. Thus, they should provide detailed information on how the building project will be carried out. Furthermore, your contractor will have a publication or reference that will assist you in comprehending the remodeling process.

Should I Shut Down While Remodeling?

Businesses do not have to halt while the renovations are carried out.  As follows, contractors may work in shifts before or after clients visit, on weekends while the company is closed, or behind closed doors when the business is open.

Therefore, the building methods used are determined by the type of company being remodeled, the projected noise levels, indoor air quality, and other considerations. If the adjustments are significant, the company may need to close for all or half of the time. Property owners should be mindful that continuing to do business can prolong the operation, and problems can occur when contractors and clients are in the same location at the same time.

How Do I Know If I Should Remodel?

The signals that it is time for a commercial remodel may be noticeable or subtle. As a commercial property owner, you can spot warning signs by monitoring the property on a daily basis, soliciting input from customers and staff, and collaborating with the property management firm (if you have one). Depending on the type of property you own, the signals that it’s time for a commercial remodel can differ, depending on what type of commercial building you own.

Determine the Issue

When you see a need for maintenance, reconstruction, or remodeling, your commercial construction career will begin. This might happen if you notice water damage for the first time, see an increase in maintenance costs, or staff start to complain about the outdated office space.

Contact Headwaters Today

The majority of company owners begin their projects by consulting a contractor or an architect. Architects assist in the construction element of a remodeling project. If no renovation of the property is needed, a contractor is a safer place to start. Our contractors are design-builders, which means they provide design services in-house. Thus, our team doubles as one-stop shops for customers looking for construction services as well as remodeling or maintenance.

If you need commercial renovation, we’re here for you. Contact our top-rated commercial construction team today! Check out our reviews to hear what others have to say about our services.

What’s the Difference Between Ground-Up Construction and Renovation?

ground up construction and renovation

What's the difference between ground-up construction and renovation?

Ground-up Construction vs. Renovation: 2021

In most cases, when you compare construction and renovation, you are motivated by two main factors. One is that your company has outgrown its current premises, or you would like to have an additional location for your business. In this article, you will learn how ground-up construction differs from commercial renovation and understand the factors you need to consider to choose the most appropriate option for your business needs. 

Ground-up Construction & Renovation Defined 

Ground-up construction refers to the process of putting up a new structure on a lot where no building exists. You are building from scratch. New foundations, new walls, new footings. On the other hand, a renovation refers to the modification of an existing structure. The primary structural elements, such as the foundation, will remain. Still, your local renovation company in Sacramento may tear down an interior wall to change the building’s floor plan.

However, the professionals at Head Waters Construction, Inc. warn you that the definition of what constitutes renovation or new construction may vary from one municipality or city to another. So, it is best to check the local laws and establish which categorization applies to the project you wish to undertake.


– Design Flexibility 

Headwaters building and contracting professionals recommend that you consider the degree of design flexibility that you desire during your project before you opt for either ground-up construction or renovation.

In most cases, ground-up construction offers you nearly unlimited design flexibility. A blank slate or canvas allows you to make the site into anything you want. However, keep in mind that renovation puts some constraints upon your design possibilities since you must work within the existing building’s structural elements. If these constraints will be a concern, then opting for ground-up construction would be the ideal choice.

– Location

Another crucial factor that you need to think about has to do with your business’s ideal location. It may be hard for you to find a vacant lot in a desirable area where you can build the ideal premises for your business. In such a case, finding an existing building and renovating it would be a more feasible option.

– Regulatory Compliance 

Building codes keep evolving, and all new structures or renovated ones have to be compliant with the latest regulations. Herein lies another consideration that Sacramento construction companies advise business owners to think about. For example, deciding to renovate a section of your current building may trigger a regulatory requirement for you to make the entire building ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)-compliant. These regulatory issues can make an otherwise straight-forward renovation process complex and costly. Building premises from the ground up becomes a more attractive proposition since you may predict all the project factors.

– Getting Construction Building Permits

The process of securing building permits for a renovation project is generally less complicated and shorter when compared to navigating the permitting process in a new structure from the ground-up. Some renovation projects may not even require a permit. However, likely, constructing a building from scratch will never have the permit requirements waived.

–  Building

How soon do you want to use the new or renovated building? The duration needed to complete a renovation project is usually a small fraction of the time required to construct a building from scratch. Head Waters Construction, Inc., aconstruction company in Sacramento, recommends that people who are pressed for time opt for renovation. Similarly, those who don’t have much time should build the desired structure from the ground up.

–  Concerns Over Hazardous Materials

You may have hazardous materials to contend with if you would like to renovate an older building. For example, asbestos may be found within the walls as you kick-start a project to add an extension to your business premises. According to Headwaters development experts, dealing with those hazardous materials can inflate renovation budgets and throw project timelines out of whack.

However, even vacant lots can have hazardous materials. For example, a lot located on land that was reclaimed from agricultural land, chemical industry, or even a retired garbage dumping site may have toxic waste. Therefore, it is advisable for you to commission a site or building analysis to identify any potential issues of hazardous materials before you decide whether to renovate that existing building or build on a vacant site.

– Construction Cost

Your budget is a significant determinant of whether renovation or ground-up construction is a viable option. Our friends at Tureks Plumbing Services, a home remodeling contractor in Appleton, WI, add that most renovation projects require smaller budgets than ground-up construction does. Furthermore, renovation projects can be phased so that the cost implication is spread out over a longer time. If your budget is limited, your best bet is to renovate an existing building. However, if no resource limitation exists, ground-up construction may be a better option.

As you can see, there is no clear cut answer as to whether renovation or ground-up construction is the best option for you. What can only determine the correct answer once you discuss your building needs in Sacramento with an expert from Head Waters Construction, Inc. Our professionals will recommend the most cost-effective option for your company, so give us a call today!

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in August 2019 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

Should New Commercial Buildings Go Solar?

Should New Commercial Buildings Go Solar?

Should New Commercial Buildings Go Solar?

Should New Commercial Buildings Go Solar?Using solar energy for your commercial building sounds like a great idea. After all, solar energy has been the talk of the town with nothing but good things being said about it. However, as a business person, getting into something because it is popular is not the right way to do business. Many people ask us: should new commercial buildings go solar?

One needs to understand why going solar is ideal for your business. There’s a ton to consider before you take this step. Our Sacramento commercial builders share the benefits of going solar below.

Why Go Solar? 

Lower Operating Costs

Your solar panel will significantly reduce the amount of money you spend on energy bills every year. Normally, most commercial buildings require a constant power supply which is expensive. Solar power will help you cut down on costs. 

Additional Marketing Opportunities

Solar energy is currently a big topic for many corporations. Thousands of companies are being urged to take the initiative and embrace practices that protect the environment through proper usage of resources and going green. 

It is considered attractive to work with companies that are involved in measures that protect the environment and embrace the responsible use of natural resources. Companies and corporate heads who take part in demonstrating their ability to commit to a sustainable business with reduced greenhouse gas emissions and overall pollution are continually finding it easier to do business. 

Low Maintenance Needs

Our commercial construction company explains that solar panels do not need a lot of work once the installation process is complete. Our Sacramento neighbors over at Gilmore Heating, Air and Plumbing, Sacramento HVAC company, explains that solar panels can last an extremely long time. Usually, solar panels come with a warranty of 15-25 years. The only maintenance you will need for your solar is to clean it and keep it free of debris. 

Things to Consider 

Setting up a solar installation is an attractive venture with many upsides for any commercial builder. However, it does not just start and end with buying your solar panels and getting someone to install them. 

There are factors you need to consider before going solar to increases the chances of success and to make sure that you get value for your money. These include: 

Improve on your efficiency.

Your general efficiency is important for ordinary business as well as the overall impact of your solar panels. Solar installation is supposed to help enhance energy efficiency. 

Therefore, make sure that you carry out an energy audit before installing your solar and curb out any other energy wastage. 

Learn the different types of solar systems available

 There are different types of solar systems and each is suited for a different type of commercial building. 

  • Rooftop systems: These solar systems are installed on the roof of the building. The solar roof system utilizes unused space on your roof and is usually placed away from everyone’s view and access. 
  • Carport Systems: If your commercial building’s roof does not provide enough space for solar mounting, you could make use of your parking lot area or garage. This is usually an underutilized space that will provide enough surface area to mount hundreds of solar panels for your building’s use. Also, it helps provide the required shade for your customer’s vehicles. 
  • Ground systems: These are solar panels that are mounted on the ground. Ground solar systems are more cost-effective than other types. Also, it is easy to customize the systems to meet your building’s power requirements, especially if you have space. 

Learning about these solar systems allows you to get the right solar on the first try. It also ensures that you get the most out of your solar. 

Learn the different financing and payment options

You do not have to pay cash upfront for your solar power systems. While this is still an option, a lease option exists where you lease the solar for use. Our commercial renovation company explains that there are different federal or state subsidies that provide programs such as PACE or SRECs. 

Getting the Right Professional for your Solar Installation 

Commercial buildings can and should go solar. However, as a building owner, you need the best advice and service for your solar planning and installation. Contact Headwaters Construction Inc and enjoy the best commercial building services all year round. Our team will work with your local solar company to ensure that you get the most out of your building and solar.  

Benefits of Hiring a Construction Company

Benefits of Hiring a Construction Company

4 Key Benefits of Hiring a Construction Company

Benefits of Hiring a Construction CompanyWith so many commercial construction companies out there, it is vital to do your research. Selecting the best company to undertake your ground-up construction project is extremely important. There are many benefits that come with finding the right company. Today on the blog, we detail the benefits of hiring a construction company.

They Offer a Broad Range of Services

One of the biggest reasons why you should hire a reputable commercial construction company is that they will offer you all the services that you need. This is in connection with your concrete tilt-up construction project or any other method of construction that you choose.

For example, with the commercial builder on your side, you will not have to look to other companies. The building design team, electrical works experts, plumbing professionals, or indeed any other skilled personnel needed to construct your building will come with a construction company. All you have to do is sign the necessary paperwork. The company will do the rest, from the first step of the project to the last step, when the finished building is handed to you.

You Are Assured of Expertise at All Levels

Reputable commercial builders have a name to protect. As follows, they will go out of their way to select the best professionals to join their teams. Additionally, the resources that they command allow them to attract and retain the best talent on their books.

You will have access to the best building designers, the best architects, the best building inspectors, and all the other professionals. Essentially, you will have access to any of the professions that are required during the phases of constructing a commercial building. Your job ends at signing a contract with the Sacramento construction company. They will do the rest while you receive timely status updates on the progress being made.

This is in stark contrast to someone who ends up with contractors who aren’t known for their high professional standards. Such builders will spell trouble from the very beginning. Problems are likely to arise during every step of the process. For example, their limited experience could make them give you inaccurate financial projections. Thus, you could end up having misunderstandings with them over cost creep.

Licensed and Insured Professionals

You don’t want to work with a commercial construction firm that isn’t insured or licensed. Our neighbors over at Gilmore Heating, Air and Plumbing, the best HVAC company in Sacramento, share their recommendations. They shared that it is important to always make sure that whoever your hiring is insured and licensed. This is because such an entity will not give you the assurance that you need regarding adherence to construction guidelines and procedures.

It is in your best interest to select a commercial construction company that is licensed to operate within the jurisdiction of your building. Their staff should be licensed and bonded to safeguard you from being liable should an accident occur during the ground-up project.

Commercial construction is inherently risky, but a reputable tilt-up construction firm will have systems in place to manage those risks. Should an accident occur, their insurance will cover that eventuality, and you will not suffer any unforeseen costs.

Budgetary Discipline

While everyone would like to own a great commercial property, no one wants to spend more than is necessary to get that building. It is, therefore, important to find construction contractors who are professional enough to respect the set budget and deliver a complete structure that meets all the specifications agreed upon during the project design phase.

Different ground-up projects have their own cost requirements. A commercial construction company worth its name will give you accurate projections about the expected costs so that you can make an informed decision on whether to proceed with the project or modify the scope of the work in order to bring down the expected costs.

Once the timeframe and budget have been agreed upon, the commercial builder will act on those terms. This will be detailed in the contract, and you will have nothing to worry about. 

In short, the most helpful decision to ensure that your commercial construction project is successful is simple. Choose an honest and reputable commercial construction company in Sacramento. You will not have any headaches once you identify such a company. At Headwaters Construction Inc., we have a track record of delivering all types of commercial construction projects. This ranges from tilt-up construction, strip mall construction, and everything in between. Contact Headwaters Construction Inc today! Let us discuss how we can be of help in addressing all your commercial construction needs.

Controlling Commercial Renovation Costs

Controlling Commercial Rennovation Costs

Estimating and Controlling Commercial Renovation Costs

Controlling Commercial Rennovation CostsRetail renovation can be used to change the intended use or look of a commercial building. While renovating a building is not expected to cost as much as building a new one, it comes with a substantial cost to it. As a business person, it is important to estimate and control the amount of money you spend during renovations. Proper planning around finances cushions you from unwarranted losses. It greatly helps to understand what goes behind estimating and controlling commercial renovation costs. Below are some of the best ways to estimate and control commercial renovation costs, straight from our Sacramento construction general contractors

Make Adequate Plans 

Planning is as important in your commercial renovation as it is in coming up with a new building. Proper planning helps you avoid wasting time and money on unnecessary things. Also, it helps your commercial renovation contractor understand what you want in a timely manner. 

Some of the things you need to consider when planning for your renovation include:

Location of the Building 

The location of your building will affect the availability of materials and labor. It will also affect what changes you are allowed to make by your local authorities. Remember, building code regulations vary with location. You are more likely to encounter more regulations in the city than away from it. 

Take the time to understand the location of your building and come up with an adequate plan on how to supply your project with everything it needs. This way, you do not have to stall once the project starts. 

Number of Contractors Needed

What kind of renovations do you want on your building, and who is best suited to handle them? 

Renovations can range from simple projects to big projects that will require more than one or two disciplines. Most times, you might encounter a commercial contractor who is specialized in one discipline.  Therefore, you will be forced to deal with different contractors to get the results you want. 

Understanding how many commercial contractors you need throughout the project will save you valuable time and money. It will also ensure that you get everything done the right way. 

Building Use 

How do you intend to use the building after renovations, and what is it being used currently?

First, one must consider the intended use of the building. This is because one needs to account for its materials, equipment, and structural needs. 

For example, a commercial renovation that changes the intended use of the building is likely to use more materials and equipment than one that just needs a facelift. The renovations might also affect the structural integrity of your building. 

Consider the Life Cycle of Your Building Systems 

Every equipment and facility you use in your building has a life cycle. Gilmore Heating, Air & Plumbing, Sacramento HVAC company, says that your plumbing system has the potential to last longer than your HVAC system. Therefore, during renovation, you might consider leaving your plumbing system intact, depending on how old it is. 

Considering these life cycles will help you make adequate plans in terms of finances.  This allows one to determine if the building can be retained from the current facilities and equipment being used.

Find the Right Contractor for your Renovations 

It doesn’t just help to control and estimate your costs during a commercial renovation project. You also need a commercial builder who understands your needs and is ready to deliver. Headwaters Construction Inc. is dedicated to making any commercial renovation a success. Call us today and get the best service for your commercial project. 


Top Flooring Materials Commercial Building

Top Flooring Materials Commercial Building - Headwaters Construction Inc

Top Flooring Materials for Your Commercial Building

Top Flooring Materials Commercial BuildingYour commercial construction will require the best available finishes before you can open it for the public. This includes the floor, an often overlooked aspect of your building. The flooring materials will vary depending on the kind of building you have. 

As a business person looking to open your building for commercial purposes, it helps to find the right flooring materials. This will help increase the aesthetic value of your building and the odds of a durable floor. 

Here are some of the most common flooring materials you can use for your commercial building shared directly from our Sacramento commercial contractors.

Carpet Flooring

Carpets are not just designed for home use. Apart from giving your building that warm fuzzy feeling, a good caret will play an essential role in the final finishing of a commercial building. A good carpet comes with a number of benefits: They are easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner, and they are more durable. Because of this, a good carpet can retain their good look for years. 

Additionally, carpets come in different varieties. Some carpets come with different patterns that help hide the wear and tear that comes from consistent use. This is especially important in high traffic commercial buildings. Darker carpets help hide spills better than a wooden floor would. 

Hardwood Flooring

Wood has been one of the oldest forms of flooring in the world. Hardwood floors give a building a sophisticated look while increasing the overall value of the establishment. They come in different styles depending on the building. 

Our tilt-up construction contractors explain that hardwood floors are ideal for buildings with a lot of foot traffic because they help preserve the air quality of any interior. This is possible because they do not trap dust and dirt. Therefore, the air within your building will remain cleaner. 

Finally, hardwood is easy to clean. You can simply wash or sweep them.

Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl is the best option for you as a commercial building owner if you are planning to give your building an elegant look without having to spend a lot of money. Turek’s Plumbing, Appleton, WI Kitchen remodel company explains that vinyl floors are designed to give you any look you want. This can range from hardwood floors to stone floors that are popular with many commercial buildings. 

The floors come with different patterns depending on your design needs and can last for a long time. Additionally, this flooring type has the ability to withstand wear and tear thanks to its scratch and moisture resistance abilities. Vinyl floors are also easy to install. 

Picking the Best Flooring for Your Building 

Finding the perfect floor type will, indeed, affect the overall value of your building. Different buildings come with different uses, and some buildings’ usefulness could be improved by the type of floor you use. For example, a building that requires less noise in the interior will do well with carpet flooring. 

The trick to finding the best floor for your building it to talk to your commercial contractor. You can trust Headwaters Costruction Inc, the best commercial construction company in Sacramento, to provide you with valuable advice on the best finishes for your building whether you are installing the floors for the first time or doing a commercial renovation

Building from the Ground Up

building from the ground up

building from the ground upBuilding From the Ground Up with Headwaters Construction

Constructing a commercial building from the ground up is not an easy undertaking. Commercial buildings take longer and use up more resources than residential buildings. You probably know this if your plans involve owning a commercial building. 

There are a number of steps involved in commercial construction that involves building from the ground up. These steps make it necessary to come up with durable and safe construction for the public. Below are the steps involved in building a commercial building from our Sacramento construction general contractors.

Planning and Development 

This is the first and most important step in building from the ground up. Without a proper plan, the project is likely to encounter problems along the way which could have a lot of negative consequences. Planning involves picking the location, finding an architect to draw up the plans, and finding the right contractor or Commercial Construction Company to handle the construction. 

Unlike residential buildings that are less likely to directly affect many people, commercial buildings require a lot of planning before they can even get approval. During this stage, every member involved in the building will ensure they meet every code and regulation before breaking ground. 

Designing Your Commercial Building

An architect will play an important role during this phase. Turek’s Plumbing, Appleton, WI Kitchen remodel company explains that the work of the architect is to work with the stakeholders and come up with an appropriate design of the building depending on different factors. An architect will put into consideration the budget, wants, and needs of the project owner while coming up with the appropriate design. During this phase, engineers create detailed documents for the constructions which are then sent to the relevant departments within the city for approval. 


The preconstruction period is meant to get everything in order. During this period, associate vendors forward their quotes for review while all the necessary permits and documentation are put into place. Construction cannot commence without approval from the relevant authorities. 

Additionally, there is a constructability review that allows issues to be raised and addressed before construction can start. This also includes inspecting the site of health hazards to ensure that the contractors work in a safe environment. 


Essential materials and equipment for the construction are purchased. The procurement process should meet the budget and quality expectations of the business owners. They should also meet all legal requirements. 

Equipment that cannot be bought is hired at this stage and contractors ensure that everything arrives in time for the construction. Finally, the contractors hire laborers, allocate jobs, and plan salaries. 

Commercial Construction

This can happen anytime from months to years after the planning and development stage. Commercial construction does not start unless everything is ready. The foundation is then laid according to the specifications provided. 

The foundation is one of the most important parts of the building. It plays a huge role in determining the overall strength of the building. 


The Post-Construction period involves making sure that the building is up to the required standards. Therefore, expect rigorous testing on every level before the public can be allowed in. Every piece of material and facilities provided by the building is tested to ensure that they meet the required standards provided for in the project plan. 

Minor repairs are carried out before the architect can provide a certificate of substantial completion. Once this is done, a building official will perform a final inspection. 

Finding a Commercial Construction Contractor 

It is important to ensure that every aspect of your commercial building ideas is well taken care of before construction starts. A well-constructed commercial building is likely to last for a long time without having to undergo major reconstruction. Call Headwaters Construction Inc. today and enjoy the best professional services for your commercial building project.